Updated September 19, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Diocese of Olympia, Inc., exercises legal and fiduciary responsibility for the assets of the diocese, including land, buildings, endowments and other funds. It is the mission of the Board to manage these assets to further God’s work in western Washington, both now and in the future.

Our bishop, The Right Rev Philip LaBelle, serves as Board president. Mr. Dan Renfroe serves as vice president and Board chair. Members include the diocesan Treasurer, Chancellor, and Secretary to Convention, plus nine appointed members, both clergy and lay, who serve in rotating three-year terms. Current Board members are listed below. Additional duties of individual members include:

Over time these legal and fiduciary responsibilities benefit almost every congregation and institution in the diocese.

Beyond these two revolving funds, the Board oversees diocesan properties worth a total of $32.5 million, including properties occupied by missions; administers bequests left to mission congregations; and through the Diocesan Investment Fund manages a portfolio of diocesan, congregation and institutional investments valued at $45 million, as of the first quarter of 2012.

The Board meets on the third Thursdays of each month, 3:00-6:30pm; the Board does not meet in July.

Requests for additional assistance should be addressed to Canon Dede Moore, Canon for Diocesan Networking and Connections. The Board can be reached at boardofdirectors@ecww.org.

Current members of the Board of Directors:

Others with seat and voice

Per Bylaws: 2 clergy, 6 lay


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