The Nominations Committee works closely with the Bishop, their staff, and the elected bodies of the diocese to ensure that candidates are identified to fill positions on said bodies, according to the constitution and canons of the Diocese of Olympia and The Episcopal Church. We are committed to identifying candidates from diverse backgrounds and experiences, including working with the Circles of Color and Ethnic Ministries to identify candidates from underrepresented groups.
In 2021, the Nominations Committee worked with the Canon for Networking, Canon to the Ordinary, and the leaders of the Standing Committee and the Commission on Ministry to begin implementing changes in diocesan elections and appointments approved at the 2020 Diocesan Convention.
The Nominations Committee continues its mission to identify candidates for various elected positions, working with associated committees and governing bodies to make sure that candidates have a clear understanding of what it is they are being asked to volunteer their service for. The committee also sponsored resolutions to widen scope of eligibility of candidates to include congregants from Mission Stations.
The Committee aims to:
- Add one or more new members to the committee to maintain a diverse and regionally diverse membership.
- Raise candidates/nominees for all open positions for election at convention including for diocesan deputation to the 2024 General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
- Create/maintain central folder/database/webpage for committee documents, templates, etc.; move/add all pertinent resources as needed for work group use.
- Collaborate as needed with applicable parties to ensure all diocesan committee/council information is user-friendly and instructive for congregants across the diocese, ensuring committees and roles are thoroughly described so as to seem “do-able”.
- Request each committee member submits a photo, brief bio, and contact information, so that potential candidates/nominees might be able to reach out with questions regarding their role and responsibilities.