The Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (formerly the Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Israel/Palestine, or EBCIP) was established in 2000 to support the Episcopal parishes, hospitals, schools and other human service missions in the Diocese of Jerusalem.

By means of education, advocacy and prayer, we are committed to supporting our Christian brothers and sisters in their struggle to survive the social, cultural and economic effects of nearly 50 years of military occupation in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, and to assisting them in their efforts to bring about a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

As Christians called to fulfill the promise made in our Baptismal Covenant “to strive for justice and peace,” we commit ourselves to join our Jewish, Muslim and Christian sisters and brothers to gain a better understanding of the struggles and hopes for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. We will continue to support the witness and survival of the Anglican and other Christian communities in the Holy Land.

To further our mission we focus on education within the Episcopal Church and public advocacy for the independence of the Palestinian people and the adoption of a viable democratic state, with Jerusalem as a shared capital. In addition, we sponsor youth and adult visitations and exchanges and promote sister-parish relationships between the Dioceses of Olympia and Jerusalem.


Randy Urmston, Chairperson