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Updated: November 20, 2023

The Standing Committee serves as a council of advice for the bishop and becomes the diocesan ecclesiastical authority in the bishop’s absence. It makes decisions about the sale, encumbrance or disposal of real property belonging to Parishes of the Diocese. It interviews and makes recommendations to the bishop on candidates for Holy Orders, and the consent of the Standing Committee is required for ordination. The Standing Committee also gives or withholds consent to the election of bishops throughout the church and has Judicial responsibilities in the case of clergy misconduct where the clergy or the complainant does not accept the adjudication of the bishop. By canon, no two members of the Standing Committee may be from the same congregation. They can be contacted at

  • The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton | Bishop Provisional
  • The Rev. Stephen Crippen | St. Paul’s, Seattle | Join Board (2025)
  • The Rev. Jedediah Fox | Redeemer, Kenmore | Secretary (2024)
  • The Rev. Elise Johnstone | St. John the Baptist, Seattle | President (2026)
  • Constance Lightbody | St. John’s, Kirkland (2027)
  • Carole Loudenback | Good Shepherd, Federal Way | COM Liaison, Joint Board (2026)
  • Tsuneko Nakatani | Holy Cross, Redmond | JFP Liaison (2024)
  • Lawrence Sylvester | Trinity, Everett (2025)
  • The Rev. Jani Wild | St. Paul’s, Bellingham (2027)

Diocesan Staff Contacts

  • The Rev. Canon Arienne Davison | Canon to the Ordinary