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For two and a half years, Matt Koski has welcomed guests and visitors to the Office of the Bishop, otherwise known as Diocesan House (D-House), as the office’s receptionist. During that time, everyone who stops by D-House has been greeted by Matt’s warm smile and generous spirit. Now, Matt’s stepping away from the front desk and transitioning to become one of our new Resource Coordinators.

As he begins this new position, Matt will be primarily helping with our 2017 Diocesan Convention, serving as an unofficial registration guru. He’ll be helping attendees register and sign up for meals, as well as helping to coordinate with exhibits and vendors. While he misses all of the face-to-face interaction from the front desk, he does relish the time to focus on his new tasks. He’s also pretty proud of the new view from his desk.

Matt grew up in Monsanto, WA and was raised in a very different faith context than the one in which he would find himself as receptionist for the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. An outgoing and energetic people-person, Matt has loved getting to know so many people from around the diocese. After work, he enjoys films (particularly sci-fi) and video games, and especially loves cooking – make sure to ask for a sample of his kaluah pork and Hawaiian short ribs!

So, if you have questions about registration, meals, or exhibits at Convention this year, make sure to get in touch with Matt. He’s also available to help your congregation set up event registration, and he even has connections with many of the catering companies across the region. You can send him a message at or give him a quick call at 206.325.4200, Extension 2015.

Diocesan Resource Coordinator Matt Koski

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