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The Episcopal Churchwomen (ECW) Triennial was held early July, in conjunction with General Convention in Austin, Texas. At the Distinguished Women luncheon, Connie Forsberg from St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Edmonds was recognized for her service in her community and church family.

She has led the ECW organization at St. Alban as it has evolved with the changing needs of its members. Connie’s work with organizing and fundraising many events keeps the St. Alban’s community involved and informed. She is active in faith formation, bible studies, and other ministries.

For many years Connie has organized a monthly potluck dinner with fellowship, festive seasonal decorations, and interesting speakers, including supporting donations to the organizations they represented. She has kept the organization alive by transitioning to periodic Saturday morning coffees with women of the congregation because some women no longer like to drive at night. Over the years Connie has organized fundraising events – from bazaars to book exchanges – to maintain funding for the organization. Some of the fundraisers are used to provide complementary copies of Forward Day by Day for members of the congregation and visitors. Connie is excellent at involving others in assisting with the events and encouraging attendance, especially for the new members of the organization. Connie helps promote the organization with a creative bulletin board, including a listing of birthdays and other relevant information.

Congratulations, Connie!

ECW Distinguished Women: Connie Forsberg

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