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Climate Conversation

December 12, 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Join on Zoom for December’s Climate Conversation: Reduce Plastic to avoid Gigatons of Carbon Emissions. Plastic is pervasive in our lives. Buying groceries in plastic packaging, gadgets made of plastic, plastic furniture and plastic bottles are just a few of the many places we use plastic. Reducing plastic production and usage could avoid 166 million metric tons of plastic by 2050 and avoid more than 5 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions. We’ll start by considering all the places we use plastic, then discuss how to avoid it. We’ll also look at alternatives to plastic, how we can influence others to use less plastic, and new solutions that can replace plastic. Learn how to use less plastic in your everyday life.
. Find the link to register here, along with materials from two and a half years’ of past conversations in this series. For more details, please contact

Climate Conversation
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