Join St. JJ’s First Ever Juneteenth Celebration! Proclamation!
We encompass all diversity and strengths of the people in the City of Lakewood. St JJs strongly feel a historic alliance to Juneteenth!
Our mission statement Our vision is to be a visible and vibrant Christian Community providing refreshment of body, mind and soul through fellowship, study, and worship as we grow together in God’s love.
Let’s be ONE that day!
First-ever Juneteenth Celebration @ St. Joseph-St. John Episcopal Church
11111 Military Rd. SW Lakewood, WA 98498
Church number 253.584.6143
Cell 253.224.1112 call or text
Monday, June 19, 2023 @ 6pm
- Introductions/ Opening Prayer
- A prominent Guest speaker
- Gospel Singers
- Poetry Readers
- Closing Prayer
- Processional with dancing
- Light refreshments and mingling
- RSVP, if possible