The Chaplains to Retired Clergy invite retired clergy and spouses across the diocese to a special in-person gathering:
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
In Bloedel Hall at Saint Mark’s Cathedral
1245 Tenth Avenue E., Seattle 98102
(Parking is provided)
This will be an opportunity to meet and engage with our new diocesan bishop, The Rt. Rev. Phil LaBelle, and share fellowship time with other retired clergy members, spouses and partners. Lunch will be provided.
We hope you will be able to join us! Please RSVP by Friday, March 28 to Caleb Gomes by using this link or calling 206.325.4200. Let us know as well if you have any significant dietary restrictions. Your RSVP will greatly help our planning.
We recognize that our diocese is a large one, and trips into Seattle aren’t always an easy option for everyone. We plan to offer similar opportunities for retired clergy to meet with Bishop Phil in other parts of the diocese over time.
Questions? Please contact The Rev. Edie Weller, diocesan chaplain to retired clergy & spouses (206.499.5744 or by email at