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Reimagining Preaching Conference

May 3, 1:00 pm

Tickets: $69 until March 15th, $99 after March 15th

A practical, skills-based conference equipping clergy, church staff, & lay preachers to bring the Word to life in Cascadia. The keynote will be given by Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, a professor of Preaching and Worship at Bethany Theological Seminary, and other presenters include The Rev. Canon Britt Olson, The Rev. Canon Ivar Hillesland, and Kate Rae Davis from the Diocese of Olympia.

Because we are a denominational partner, both clergy and lay preachers from the Diocese of Olympia can attend for half price by using the promo code OlympiaDiocese50 .

Efficient Sermon Preparation
Tending to your own soul- preaching as spiritual practice
Storytelling: incorporating your own stories appropriately in sermons
Innovative sermons and services
Culturally Intelligent Preaching
Preaching for political discipleship in divisive times
Equipping lay preachers: co-preaching demonstration & best practices

Read more and register here: https://transformingengagement.org/preaching-conference/

Saturday, May 3, 2025
1:00-5:30pm followed by optional Mocktail Mix & Mingle
Calvin Presbyterian Church, Shoreline, WA
$69 for early bird, $99 after March 15. Use our Promo Code for half price. Contact The Rev. Hillary Kimsey or The Rev. Canon Ivar Hillesland for scholarship information.

Financial Accessibility
Scholarships Available
Children & Families
Childcare Options Available Upon Request
Accessibility Options Available Upon Request
Pronoun Badges Available
Virtual Accessibility
No Virtual Accessibility Options Available
