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Weekday Prayer Services at St. Barnabas

March 6 through April 18, 9:00 am

St. Barnabas will also offer daily prayer services in the Sanctuary at 9 a.m. during the Season of Lent. They will hold Morning Prayer on Monday, Centering Prayer on Tuesday, Morning Prayer on Wednesday, Healing Eucharist on Thursday, and Stations of the Cross on Friday. They pray that Lent will be for you a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal as the Spirit moves in your life and the life of our community.

Financial Accessibility
Free Event
Children & Families
Children Welcome to Participate
Wheelchair Accessible|Low-Scent|Low-Light Spaces Available
All-Gender Restrooms Available
Virtual Accessibility
No Virtual Accessibility Options Available

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island

1187 Wyatt Way NW
Bainbridge Island, 98110