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Dr. Catherine Meeks Book Launch: The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning – Meditations for Racial Healing


Join us as we celebrate Dr. Catherne Meeks' latest publication, "The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing," Church Publishing, 2022. Winner of the President Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Catherine Meeks is the Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, GA. The event will feature prolific leaders from across the Church as we come together to look inward and reflect on the meaning of social justice and what it means to love one another.

Holy Hands for Holy Work


Please join the Province VIII Virtual Altar Guild Seminar on Zoom: "Holy Hands for Holy Work."

This Shining Night: Music & Poetry for a Summer Evening

Seattle First Baptist Church 1111 Harvard Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

The Seattle Choral Company, led by their founding artistic director, Freddie Coleman, announces the final concert of their 41st season, titled “This Shining Night: Music and Poetry for a Summer Evening,” uniting four living American composers on themes of love and innocence.

$5 – $30

Music That Makes Community

Resurrection, Roslyn 202 W Arizona Ave, Roslyn, WA, United States

Join the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Roslyn for a renewing day of building community through congregational singing, learning, and fellowship.