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What are you doing for Lent this year?” Sometimes we experience Lent as merely the weeks spent waiting for and preparing for Easter, but it can be a deeply reflective season for us individually or in our congregations. The diocesan website offers many possibilities. For instance, you’ll discover the Bishop’s book for Lent: Now You See It, by Cathy N. Davidson (153.7 Dav) as well as numerous other online resources external to our diocese (

A glance at the Resource Center’s online catalog reveals more of the materials available in the Resource Center; click on “Lenten Resources 2015” under the “List” tab. You will find DVDs and books  for adults and some for children as well. Are you seeking a topic to share with your congregation during the season? Take a look: for instance, N.T. Wright, the prolific Bishop of Durham and former Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey, walks us through the political, historical and theological issues surrounding the resurrection, both in Jesus’ day and today. Resurrection (DVD 118) was shot on location in Greece, Israel and England and Joan Chittister has a 12-session DVD exploring The Ten Commandments (DVD 167). Hint: if you are only interested in DVDs, select that word in the box labeled “Material type” to the left of the list. The online educational program ChurchNext offers several classes by Lutheran professor David Lose on “Making sense of the cross”.  The video clips are each very short and might fit well into a Forum time frame (

Perhaps you are interested in small group study, with or without a DVD component. You might be interested in Living with the mind of Christ: a Lenten Study for Adults by James A. Harnish (242.34 Har), a seven-week study including a scripture reference and questions for discussion to help us wrestle with and reflect on the deep issues of our lives. Forgiveness: a Lenten study by Marjorie J. Thompson(234.5 Tho) offers six chapters with a study guide. An unrelated DVD on the same topic might tie in well (Power of Forgiveness DVD 152). The six-week study World worth saving: Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action by George Hovaness Donigian (248.4 Don) presents prayer and commitment to God’s work in the world.

As always, I’ll be glad to mail any of the materials from our collection to you. You can explore our online catalog by typing the words “online catalog” in the search box and following the links.

Wishing you a blessed Lent.

Sue Tait, Librarian
Resource Center
phone:206-325-4200, ext. 2043 or 1-888-488-4978, ext. 2043

Faith Formation for Lent

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