As we in the Diocese of Olympia prepare to welcome The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle, Bishop-Elect, the Transition Committee invites all from across the diocese to offer gifts in support of his ministry. We are also aware that Bishop-Elect Phil’s ministry has touched many over the years and some have expressed interest in making a gift in relation to his upcoming ordination and consecration as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia.

It is the Episcopal Church’s tradition to contribute towards a bishop-elect’s vestments and other symbols of the Office of Bishop, such as stoles, copes, miters, crosier, ring, pectoral cross, and other liturgical items. So that our new bishop may prioritize his most needed items, monetary gifts would be most appreciated. Any amounts received beyond what is needed will go to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund.

You may contribute by credit card or check.

Online by credit card: please follow the link below. Under “Giving Options,” select “Bishop-Elect LaBelle Ordination Gifts”.

Gifts by check: please make checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia with a note on the memo line ‘Bishop-Elect gift’ and send to the diocesan office at the following address:

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Attn: Bishop-Elect Gifts of Ordination – Charles Thorne
1551 10th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98102

If a parish or group would like to sponsor a specific item, please contact the Bishop Transition Committee at

Kindly know, checks are appreciated over credit card payments so that credit card fees can be avoided and the full amount of the gift goes to the item.

The Bishop Transition Committee is planning to display some of the gifts during the consecration weekend and appreciates your early contribution so that the gifts can be purchased in sufficient time for viewing. Those sponsoring gifts will be recognized in the Ordination and Consecration service bulletin.

Thank you so much for helping us welcome our new bishop with this gesture of generosity. Questions may be emailed to the Transition Committee at

The Ordination and Consecration of our 9th Bishop of Olympia will take place at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, WA, on September 14, 2024, and Seated at St. Mark’s Cathedral on September 15. Additional information about these events will be communicated on the diocesan website and in the Across the Diocese newsletter.


Images are representative.

Purple Cassock | Sponsored
Rochet + Chimere | Sponsored
Tippet with Seals | Sponsored
Cope, Chasuble, Priest and Deacon Stoles, Miter
Red Set with Gold Accents | Sponsored
Ivory/White Set with Blue/Green Accents | Sponsored
Cope, Chasuble, Priest and Deacon Stoles, Miter
Red Set with Gold Accents | Sponsored
Ivory/White Set with Blue/Green Accents | Sponsored
Cope, Chasuble, Priest and Deacon Stoles, Miter
Red Set with Gold Accents | Sponsored
Ivory/White Set with Blue/Green Accents | Sponsored
Crosier, Case + Stand
Pectoral Cross

Episcopal Ring | Sponsored
Long Sleeve Shirts (3)

Short Sleeved Shirts (3)

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