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Master iconographer, Peter Pearson will be back in Seattle at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church offering another Icon Workshop the end of June. The theme of the upcoming workshop is Desert Mystics and will feature icons to either Mary of Egypt or Moses, the Ethiopian. Participants may choose one image to write.

St. Andrew has hosted this annual (and now bi-annual) event since 2012. During the course of the workshop, participants are guided through the process of writing an Icon. At the end of the event, you will go home with a piece of art that they can be justifiably proud of.

The workshop meets for three evening sessions running from 7:00 – 9:30pm (Wednesday, June 26 through Friday, June 28) as well as for a full day on Saturday (June 29). The class fee of $295.00 ($345.00 after June 1) is all inclusive – all materials required to write an icon are provided, along with a delicious lunch on Saturday.

There is still space in this popular workshop but seats are limited and registration closes on Friday, June 14. Register by following the link below.


Icon Workshop Coming to St. Andrew, Seattle

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