From Bishop Rickel:

Dear Ones,

I am very pleased to announce that I will be appointing John Kydd to the position of Missioner for Climate Care and Climate Justice in the Diocese of Olympia. His appointment to this non-stipendiary position is the first, of what I would hope, would be many. The climate crisis is far to large of an issue to leave to one, or even a few people. It will take us all to solve this, and all the missioners will be working with various constituents to make, hopefully, real and sustainable progress toward climate justice and repair.

John is an apple who has not strayed far from the tree. Born and eduated in Seattle, he then moved to Bainbridge Island to raise his family. Trained as a lawyer, researcher, and social worker, he initially focused upon family and child rights and then shifted to address the threat of climate change with the belief that faith communities will play a critical role in addressing the challenges of Climate Justice. John is a member of Grace Episcopal Church, a Greenfaith Fellow, and the Climate Change Director for the Maqasid Institute. John loves this land and its inhabitants and feels lucky to learn ever more about how little he knows. John attended, on our behalf, COP26 (COP stand for Conference of the Parties) held last year in Scotland. He is planning on also attending COP27 to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh this coming November. All appointed missioners serve at the pleasure of the Bishop.

Please join me in welcoming John to his new role within the diocese.


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