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Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

As we say in Godly Play, Easter is such a great mystery that we can’t keep it in just one Sunday – it spills over for 50 days!  There is still plenty of time to “get yer alleluias on!” Which brings us to the question – how do we keep it Easter when the candy and eggs are eaten and gone? How do we keep celebrating without becoming blase about the whole thing?

Keeping Easter alive for 50 days takes some planning and brainstorming. Gather your family or friends to collect ideas and see which ones really resonate with you. You don’t have to do something every day. But some of my favorites are things you could do any day – the act of noticing and participating in them together is a big piece of keeping the feast!

Here are some favorite ideas for the 50 days from my family:

  • Easter Monday donuts. (You might have to have “Second Sunday of Easter donuts as Easter Monday is already past :-))
  • Picnic in a park.
  • Sunset walk around the neighborhood.
  • Fire in our firepit (or perhaps at Golden Gardens or Alki!)
  • Remembering our baptisms with water – go swimming, or rent a canoe or paddleboat.
  • First hike of spring – notice all the new (Easter!) growth in the plants.
  • Hunting for caterpillars – raising one to a butterfly!
  • Play day at Fort Casey/Whidbey Island (or your favorite island or park!)
  • Watching the sun set at one of our great beaches.
  • Worshipping throughout the great 50 days with friends and family at Saint Mark’s!

What are your favorite ways to keep Easter alive?


Cindy Spencer
Children and Family Ministries Coordinator

Keeping Easter Alive for the Great 50 Days

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