From Bishop Rickel:

These are parameters. Every local context will require some adjustments, or different set up, but please stay within these guidelines. The main point, at this point, is to have the least amount of contact you can with others even in the course of filming. If you feel you cannot live within these guidelines we should discuss it.

  1. The maximum number of people assisting with the live-stream worship is eight.  There are a lot of lists like this floating around telling you who to have (i.e., two video crew, etc.) I am not doing that. The eight you will need and what you will need them for will vary where you are, but this requirement is not just coming from me, but very much from our health officials who are even more and more concerned about any contacts. Every person that is infected, on average, infects two more, who infect two more, and that is how the exponential rise gets going. We need to be part of stopping that rise.
  2. While live-streaming, you are still considered a small group under the health official guidelines, which mean you need to follow their restrictions and recommendations. This list has changed over time. The one added yesterday was health monitoring of all those who involved. But the full list is this:

 For Events:

  • All events with 50 people or more are hereby prohibited until further notice;
  • All events with fewer than 50 people are discouraged and prohibited unless event organizers observe the COVID-19 prevention measures outlined below.

This Guidance provides additional information to the community to support adherence to this Order and a Proclamation issued by Governor Jay Inslee, also on March 16, 2020: Reduction of Statewide Limits on Gatherings

Both the Local Order and the Statewide Proclamation are in effect for King County. The guidelines below are consistent with both orders. This Guidance provides key information to event organizers to support compliance with both directives.

An event is: A gathering on non-tribal lands for business, social, or recreational activities. Events are organized, orchestrated or sponsored. People are invited to attend or encouraged to attend through advertising.

An event is not a public location where people pass through, such as public transportation or transportation centers such as airport or light rail stations, public squares and shopping areas. An event is not a workplace or a shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Retail establishments such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and banks are not events.

Spiritual and worship gatherings are included specifically in their list of “such events.”

  • Events with fewer than 50 people are prohibited unless event organizers observe the following COVID-19 prevention measures:
    • Older adults and individuals with underlying medical conditions that are at increased risk of serious COVID-19 are encouraged not to attend (including employees).
    • Social distancing recommendations must be met (i.e., limit contact of people within 6 feet from each other for 10 minutes or longer).
      • Suggestions: Event organizers should ask themselves: how close will people be and for how long? Ensure that your event is organized in such way to avoid close contact between people. Washington Department of Health advises that “being within 6 feet of a sick person with COVID-19 for about 10 minutes” constitutes close contact which could result in exposure.
    • Employees/and or volunteers must be screened for coronavirus symptoms each day and excluded if symptomatic.
      • Suggestions: Have a plan to screen event organizers (employees or volunteers) who will be at the event just prior to participating in the event. CDC guidelines identify the key symptoms to watch for as fever, cough and shortness of breath. In advance, organizers should discourage attendance for any person who has these systems. Throughout event, event organizers should require anyone who has the symptoms to leave.
    • Proper hand hygiene and sanitation must be readily available to all attendees and employees.
      • Suggestions: Provide ready access to hand sanitizer and hand sanitizer stations and actively request participants to abide by personal hygiene recommendations. CDC recommends that people wash their hands often, and if soap and water is not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
    • Environmental cleaning guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are followed (e.g., clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily or more frequently).
  1. Multi-clergy parishes should rotate celebrants and lectors or consider assigning different staff members to cover different online offerings (e.g., Eucharists, daily offices, and formation.)
  2. Live-streaming Communion: Even in live-streaming or any virtual service, the use of the common cup is to be suspended until this office declares otherwise. Communion is to be offered in one kind, bread only, and should be administered by the celebrant alone. Wine will be consecrated by the celebrant, may be consumed by them, but no one else. Following the service, the normal practices of the parish will be followed concerning the consecrated wine and bread. The celebrant should visibly wash and sanitize their hands before consecrating and distributing the bread.
  3. Log everyone involved: Every one of the up to eight people assisting with the live-streaming should be signed in with contact information to ensure should someone become infected, exposure can be tracked and quarantined. Everyone involved should maintain effective social distancing and ongoing self-monitoring around their health at all times.

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