With the continued spread of COVID-19 across Western Washington and the Diocese of Olympia’s attempt to help slow the spread by canceling physical services, the Office of the Bishop would like to offer several options, tips, and resources for churches who are interested in live-streaming their worship services.

First, it is important to note that in this time of uncertainty and fear, the priority should not be on producing the most professional live-stream with the highest quality production values. Many of our churches do not have the financial or technical resources to worry about producing the highest sound or image quality. The priority in any live-stream should be in connecting the members of your church with their faith community. So, while we will briefly mention higher end options for equipment and streaming sites, we will primarily focus on simple solutions that every church has access to right now (or with very little additional cost).

Streaming Options

Equipment and Setup

Music Licensing

Best Practices

We’ll move forward with best practices, using Facebook Live with a simple cell phone and tripod setup as a model. As this situation continues, we will continue to add more best practices for other platforms, based on requests and the needs of our congregations.

I’m certain there are many other questions related to streaming services, and if you have any, please feel free to contact us at communications@ecww.org and we will get back to you soon as possible.

We’ll be continuing to release more resources and guides for our churches, and will be updating this page with more resources we find as they come into our office.


One Response

  1. Great summary..
    One thing to note with Facebook Live is that if you use a Scheduled Live event, non-Facebook users can watch as well (no need to login)

    For those that are interested, I’ve setup a computer, using PowerPoint for the Service Bulletin, where we mix pre-recorded videos for Prelude, Hymns, Psalm, Readings, and announcements, with live video for the rest of our Episcopal service (San Diego, CA diocese). This takes some technical skill, and a person (me, in our case) to run the computer during a live streamed service, but our result has been an engaged community during interactive services (priest responds to Facebook comments during Sermon). I’m happy to share our setup with those interested.

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