If you’ve come into the Office of the Bishop in the last few months, you may have noticed a new face behind the front desk. We are pleased to welcome Tye Pecha as our new Diocesan Receptionist! Tye is eager to learn more about the Episcopal Church and is excited to help support this year’s Convention in Vancouver, WA.

Tye has worked as a barista and as a cashier in a grocery store, and prior to her move to Seattle, she worked with an insurance company. Her husband joined the Coast Guard, and the two were recently stationed here in Seattle.

Tye was born and raised in Guam, so she is particularly excited about experiencing Seattle’s seasons. She’s interested in criminology and loves swimming and spending time at the beach. She also is a passionate fan of historical fiction and crime dramas.

Please join us in welcoming Tye to the Diocese of Olympia!

One Response

  1. Thank you, Tye, for accepting the call to be the Receptionist for the Office of the Bishop. I look forward to meeting you! Many blessings,

    Jenny Vervynck

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