As we continue to live, work, and have our being during the spread of COVID-19, a number of questions have been asked concerning online giving. We have put together a list of online giving options for churches. While this is not exhaustive, it is a good start to finding an online giving platform for your church. Most of the systems listed below are designed for churches or work with church organizations.

When you consider implementing a new online giving platform, remember that they all cost money – either monthly fees, charges based on usage, a percentage, or some combination thereof. Look at the numbers and ask other churches who are already using online giving what companies they use. Look for a system that will interface easily with your database or accounting system and one that has the tracking features you need. Do your research because different systems serve congregations in different capacities. Finally, make sure the company you choose offers good support and troubleshooting.





Each of these online giving solutions will serve certain churches well. None of them are meant as a one-size-fits-all solution, for small and mid-sized churches have diverse needs. As your church considers who is likely to give online, how the church wants its online giving page to look, and whether anyone is able to help set up a giving platform, the right choice will become clear.

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