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Are you looking for a way to help your congregation reframe its understanding of stewardship? Do you need an effective stewardship plan as you head into the fall? Come and join us for Project Resource, an incredible learning opportunity and stewardship formation offering from the College for Bishops! We’ll be partnering with the Diocese of Oregon and gathering online via Zoom on Sundays, September 5 through October 3, from 2:00-4:00pm for this series of trainings which build on one another and lead to your team walking away with a much more theological and spiritual understanding of stewardship, and more practically, a completed, ready to implement pledge drive for 2021. Normally $450 a person, Oregon and Olympia have partnered and paid for this offering so that it will only cost each congregation, no matter the size of your team, only $50 per team!


Project Resource is the stewardship formation offering of the College for Bishops. At a time when many of our resources, both denominational and ecumenical, in this area are contracting, Project Resource has proven success in being an effective and enduring set of practices for changing the culture of giving in congregations.

Being good stewards of the bounty God has placed in our hands has been our struggle from the earliest days of the Church. But if we have learned anything from the past year, it is that we cannot continue to do what we have done before. We must learn contextually appropriate strategies that reflect the diversity of our beloved community. We must learn to do a new thing. Project Resource is that new thing.

Project Resource teaches us to consider not how to raise money in our congregations, but why the bounty God has given us is not flowing where it needs to and what we can do to remove the barriers that keep it from serving the Kingdom. Stewardship that emerges from a deeper understanding of our own narratives and contexts is by its nature agile and responds to the needs of the community as it changes and grows.

Contextual, nimble, and adaptive ministries are the way forward for our congregations. Project Resource is that ministry in the area of stewardship.

Project Resource has been training ministry teams in the Episcopal Church since 2015 and continues to provide interactive, practice-oriented, research-based formation in the hope that every individual and congregation may both explore its money narratives and, when appropriate, establish healthy new ones. In doing so, congregations find themselves in right relationship to the bounty of God’s love and free to use that bounty in the service of God’s mission.

This online conference is being held in the Diocese of Olympia this fall for five consecutive Sundays:

  • September 5 – October 3, 2:00-4:00pm

Project Resource teaches culture and systems change around financial development in the worldwide Episcopal Church. Project Resource provides teaching, focus, and adaptable resources to equip clergy and lay leaders to develop their year- round annual stewardship campaigns and plan, ask for, and receive major gifts.

Project Resource:

  • helps church teams to gather the best resources to transform all areas of stewardship and explore internal narratives of money while addressing societal shifts, organizational change, and leadership challenges.
  • assists teams in interpreting the training curriculum, session by session, relative to their cultural and regional context.
  • empowers participants to leave the conference with a working plan and measurable objectives tailored specifically for their own congregation.

Church Teams:

Project Resource trainings equip stewardship teams to plan and develop year-round stewardship ministries that can be replicated and adapted for years to come. An ideal church team would consist of at least 3 members including the clergyperson, stewardship ministry chair, and other committed lay leaders.

Church teams will complete the course with:

  • A year-round stewardship calendar
  • A step-by-step plan for implementing a 2021 fall annual campaign
  • Hands-on training on how to make personal invitations
  • Understanding generational and individual donor motivations
  • Cultural and technological strategies in light of both the presidential election and the pandemic

Registration is only $50 per congregational team.

Register today at the link below!


Project Resource

4 thoughts on “Project Resource

  • August 24, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    will sessions of Project Resource be taped so that they can be watched at a different time?

    • August 25, 2021 at 1:01 pm

      The sessions will be recorded by the College for Bishops. We don’t know how they will be made available later, but will keep the diocese updated if they are made public. Thanks for checking!

      Josh Hornbeck
      Canon Missioner for Communications

  • August 26, 2021 at 3:31 pm

    I can’t register. It says “Sales ended,” but I thought this was open until Sept 1. We are encouraging our entire congregation to register, and now I find even I can’t register and I’m the Sr. Warden. 🙁

    • August 26, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Hi Leslie,

      I went through and double-checked the EventBrite link, and the registration link is still active for Congregational Teams. If your congregation has already registered and you are looking to add more people to the Congregational Team, you can contact Tonja May at for assistance.


      Josh Hornbeck
      Canon Missioner for Communications, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia


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