During the Diocese of Olympia’s Town Hall on June 7, Bishop Rickel made reference to a number of books dealing with issues of racial justice and racism that individuals can read to learn more for themselves, to share with others, or even to start virtual discussion groups in their congregations. Sue Tait, our Diocesan Librarian, has compiled the list of titles mentioned by Bishop Rickel and added several others which might be helpful for individuals wishing to learn more.

America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America, by Jim Wallis. Brazos Press, 2017  (305.8 Wal)

Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Spiegal  Gall, 2015 (305.8 Coa)

A Colony in a Nation, by Chris Hayes. Norton, 2017. (364.3 Hay)

Color of Life: A Journey Toward Love and Racial Justice, by Cara Meredith.  Zondervan, 2019. (806.8 Mer)

Dear Church: A Love Letter from the Whitest Denomination in the U.S.A., by Larry Duncan. Fortress Press, 2019. (261.8 Dun)

Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation, by Jennifer Harvey. Eerdmanns, 2014. (277.3 Har)

How to Be an Anti-Racist, by Ibram X. Kendi. One World, 2019. (305.8 Ken)

How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States, by Daniel Immerwahr. Picador, 2019. (973 Imm)

Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America, edited by Catharine Meeks. Morehouse, 2016. (364 .9 Liv)

Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church, by Soong-Chan Rah. Moody Publisher, 2010. (259.089 Rah)

New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michele Alexander. Revised edition. New Press, 2012. (364.9 Ale)

Seeing My Skin: A Story of Wrestling with Whiteness, by Jarrett-Schell, Peter. Church Publishing,  2019 (305.809 Jar)

Silent Racism: How Well-Meaning White People Perpetuate the Racial Divide, by Barbara Trepagnier. Paradigm Press, 2010 (305.8 Tre)

So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo. Seal Press, 2018. (305.8 Olu)

Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, by Ibram X Kendi. Nation Books, 2016 (305.8 Ken)

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X Kendi.  Little, Brown and Company, 2020. (305.8 Mey)

Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race, by Frances Kendall. Routlege, 2013 (305.8 Ken)

Waking up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race, by Debby Irving, Elephant Room Press, 2014. (305.8 Irv)

White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard to Talk About Race, by Robin J. DiAngelo. Beacon Press, 2018 (305.8 DiA)

Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race, by Beverly Daniel Tatum. Basic Books, revised edition, updated anniversary edition), 2017. (305.8 Tat)

Witnessing Whiteness: The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It, by Shelly Tochluk. Rowman & Littlefield Publisher.  Second edition, 2010. (305.8 Toc)



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