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In recognition of September as National Preparedness Month, and recalling the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Napa and the surrounding communities in the upper San Francisco Bay area just three weeks ago, it’s more than timely to remind everyone of best practices to follow when the earth shakes, and to re-visit some helpful resources. The first and most important thing to know is that the action the experts still recommend we take during and immediately following an earthquake is “Drop, Cover and Hold.” The best source for the most complete information on this and other recommendations for preparing for and surviving an earthquake is

In addition, the American Red Cross has a convenient, one-page earthquake safety checklist. The Red Cross also has an earthquake app for both iPhones and Android phones. And Episcopal Relief & Development also has a helpful tip sheet on Individual and Family Preparedness.

One final caution: in the past decade, an e-mail relating to a concept called “Triangle of Life” has repeatedly circulated throughout the internet. The author of this article and its recommendations claims to be an internationally-recognized expert in earthquake preparedness and survival. But virtually every individual expert and organization involved with earthquake safety in the US has taken great pains to warn the public that the recommendations in “Triangle of Life” are not appropriate to conditions in the US, and following those recommendations could even lead to greater injury and loss of life. To learn more about the position of the American Red Cross and leading government emergency management experts to “Triangle of Life,” please see this response: ARC response on Triangle of Life promotion.

Written by Dave Baylor, Disaster Coordinator, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Resources for Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness

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