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From time to time people donate books to the Diocesan Resource Center library, and after we have gratefully added what we can use, there are some still available. For years we’ve been thinking about ways to share this abundance with others in the diocese, and now, thanks to the skills of Josh deLacy and Kerry Allman, a new page allows people to see a limited selection of what is available. You can find this page below. Titles will be listed for three months, and then others will appear in the database, so check back regularly. We’ll mail them to you.

Search Tips: Looking for material on children or youth? There is a search box on the first page of Sharing the Abundance; type “children” in the search box and any  books with that word either in the title or in the comments section will appear on a limited screen. Books are not identified as “adult” because that is the presumption for most of the titles. Within the adult category, if you are looking for books on helping your congregation to grow, for instance, type “church growth” into the search box. Once again, you will get a shortened list of those books described that way.

The comments on each title strive to include descriptive terms, not evaluative ones. These brief comments are guides rather than reviews or even annotations. Often the subtitle will give a clue as to the book’s content as well. You can see the problem of course, the search engine seeks keywords, and its capabilities are limited to those words which are actually present for each title. You might want to try several approaches such as both scrolling and key word search, and the reason the list is comparatively short at any given time is so that users can access the titles fairly easily. 

You can also sort each column. Each column has a small arrowhead in the column heading, and by clicking on it the books are arranged in one order (for instance, copyright date).  Click on it again and the order reverses.

We are excited about this project and hope it will be helpful to you.  Comments are appreciated.


Sharing the Abundance: Free Books From the Diocesan Resource Center

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