Meet Abdul, who arrived in the United States two years ago at age 16. He was the sole member of his family who managed to escape from the Kabul airport in the chaotic days after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.
Since resettlement in the Seattle area, Abdul has made remarkable progress in spite of severe challenges. Separated from family for the first time in his life, with no relatives or friends in Washington, he felt powerless and alone in the early months. The Refugee Resettlement Office (RRO) helped him find safe housing with a reliable Afghan roommate. RRO further assisted him to enroll in school, initiate medical care, and begin driving lessons.
Today, Abdul has largely graduated from the program. He finished high school and, with the support of the RRO Job Search program, found a part-time job. He is financially assisting his family in Afghanistan. Guided by the RRO Immigration Team, he applied for asylum and was accepted into the family reunification program. He is hopeful that his family will be able to travel to the U.S. in the next few months.
In his last assessment meeting with his Intensive Case Manager, Abdul stated, “I thank the RRO for being my homeland when I was evicted from my country and for becoming my parents and my siblings when I lost my family, and I thank the U.S. for everything.”
These are the kind of people that our Refugee Resettlement Office helps every day. Please join me in giving any amount you can for temporary housing for those the Refugee Resettlement Office serves. Temporary housing is crucial for people new to our area as they learn language skills, seek jobs, and wait for more permanent housing.
To give, go to the Diocese of Olympia website and click on the “Give” button at the top of the homepage. Once on the donation page, you will find the Refugee Resettlement Office on the drop-down menu. Or you can send a check made out to the Diocese of Olympia and note in the memo line that the donation is for the Refugee Resettlement Office Temporary Housing.
Let’s make room at the inn during the season of Advent.
In Christ,