In a July 25 pastoral email, Bishop Greg Rickel said, “I just received word from Bishop Jim Waggoner of the Diocese of Spokane regarding the fires in eastern Washington and how we might contribute to the immediate relief and ongoing rebuilding of the suffering communities. I urge you to read it and respond as you can to our beloved neighbors.” You may donate online through the Diocese of Olympia here: Eastern Washington Fire Relief or send checks directly to the Diocese of Spokane offices designated for the Disaster Relief Fund: 2014 fires, 245 E 13th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202.

Letter from Bishop Jim Waggoner: For over two weeks we have been facing widespread, devastating fires in the Diocese of Spokane, the greatest damage and immediate threats to life occurring in Central Washington. Late yesterday I was able to speak with leaders in Brewster, Leavenworth, and Omak who confirmed that while fires are increasingly contained, they still threaten, and immediate response continues as longer term recovery efforts increase.

Having been in the northern part of the valley just after the fires began, and in the southern area this past weekend, I remain in regular contact with people throughout the region and can attest to the extraordinary response from our church leaders in offering use of buildings, and the basics of food, water, shelter, and child care where most needed.

The ferocity of the fires and the enormity of the destruction have taken an immense toll in loss of houses, land, cattle and means of livelihood. Many now suffer from physical exhaustion, emotional trauma and distress.

We continue to give thanks for the response of community agencies and organizations throughout the area, and for the immediate response of Episcopal Relief and Development representatives who have provided assistance. We are awaiting further response from FEMA and from Washington State disaster relief. …

… Please continue to hold all in your prayers as a long and difficult recovery is increasingly underway, and know that your prayers and other forms of support strengthen the spirit and inspire a holy hope.

Faithfully yours in Christ,
+Jim [Bishop Jim Waggoner, Diocese of Spokane]

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