This online workshop and follow-up Q&A on: “Texting God: The Spirituality of Youth” was originally held on April 29.
Sharon says, “The Millennial Generation (born between 1980-2001) and the New Silent Generation (2001-2020) are the youth and children of today. They are connected to everything. They have adapted to the challenges of the modern world, including technology, terrorism, and climate change. These youth see religion as a private matter and are moving away from involvement or identification with a church, and even from religious belief. Join the conversation as we explore how to nurture the spirituality of our youth at home and church so that their faith can guide them into adulthood in our precarious world.”
It has been great to glean from Sharon’s insight, slides and handouts during the sessions she has presented. Thank you for your efforts to get us all “together.”
Mary Nilsen
Children & Family Ministry Coordinator
Redeemer, Kenmore