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ERD 75th AnniversaryBishop Greg Rickel and Bishop Alan M. Gates, Diocese of Massachusetts, have laid down Super Bowl Challenge 2015, to each other and to their respective dioceses. The challenge is to see who can donate the most to Episcopal Relief & Development before the Super Bowl kickoff on February 1. In making the announcement, Rickel said, “As we sit down once more with friends and family to watch the Super Bowl and another Seahawks win, we cannot forget those around the world who are not nearly as fortunate as us, and who do not have the luxury of spending such time.”

He also noted some concerns shared with him about this challenge, pointing out serious issues with pro sports and some of the behaviors, especially the exploitation of women that can surround it. He added, “In fact, in this past year we have seen that play itself out before our eyes. I want to state clearly that is not lost on me. At the same time, the Church is called to redeem, in all ways it can, such realities. This challenge is an attempt to do just that.”

Last year, Bishop Robert O’Neill, of the Diocese of Colorado, and I challenged each other and the people of our dioceses to see who could raise the most money for Episcopal Relief and Development for the Super Bowl kick-off. Together we raised more than $30,000 for ERD, with the Diocese of Olympia raising the most money, just as our Seattle Seahawks scored the most points against the Denver Broncos. With the Seahawks in the Super Bowl once again, the Super Bowl Challenge is on for another year!

It’s easy to show both your diocesan team spirit and your spirit of compassion by going to Super Bowl Challenge 2015. Click on “Team Seahawks” at the bottom of the page (below the videos and just above the “Team Patriots” link).

All funds donated, regardless of team, will go to the Episcopal Relief & Development 75th Anniversary Fund, which supports ongoing programs and new initiatives in nearly 40 countries worldwide in areas of hunger relief, economic opportunity, healthcare, and disaster response.

ERDlogoSupport your team and our diocese while helping those struggling with poverty. Donate early, donate often! Super Bowl Challenge 2015!

The Super Bowl Challenge is ON!

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