From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian:
The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life
This material helps individuals, groups and congregations move more deeply our lives as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. “Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life and we seek Jesus. In this third posting of resources for the Way of Love we consider those materials selected in the “Pray” category.
Print materials are available from the Diocesan Resource Library. You can search the library online catalog below, or contact Sue Tait.
Seekers can find the entire list of categories and reflection questions below, as well as a glossary of helpful terms for the journey.
PRAY: Dwell Intentionally with God Daily
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him,
“Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” – Luke 11:1
“Lord, hear our prayer.” – Book of Common Prayer
Jesus teaches us to come before God with humble hearts, boldly offering our thanksgivings and concerns to God or simply listening for God’s voice in our lives and in the world. Whether in thought, word or deed, individually or corporately, when we pray we invite and dwell in God’s loving presence.
For Reflection and Discernment
- What intentional prayer practices center you in God’s presence, so you can hear, speak, or simply dwell with God?
- How will (or do) you incorporate intentional prayer into your daily life?
- With whom will you share in the commitment to pray?
PRAY: Resources
Just Begin: A Sourcebook of Spiritual Practices, by Dann Wigner (preordered, released in October)
Learn about more than forty different practices from Eastern and Western traditions, encompassing everything from mindfulness to music, yoga to the Lord’s Prayer. In each short description, the focus is to “just begin” to practice and experiment and develop on the way. (Ages: Youth/Young Adult/Adult)
Pilgrim: The Lord’s Prayer, by Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Paula Gooder, Robert Atwell, and Sharon Ely Pearson (CUR 268.97 Cot Bk 2)
How do Christians know and worship God? Explore the Lord’s Prayer in six sessions as a gateway to the Christian gospel, as a guide to prayer, and as a way of deepening relationship with God. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People, by Jenifer Gamber & Sharon Pearson (242.83 Gam)
Designed for youth, this prayer book has appealed to all ages, drawing on the Book of Common Prayer, the Bible, and events that occur in daily life. 100 original prayers and simple, insightful instruction about prayer. (Ages: Youth/Young Adult/Adult)
The Book of Common Prayer (English), English translation (264.03 BVP)
(Ages: All)
Le Livre de la Prière Commune, French translation, (264,03 BCP French)
(Ages: All)
El Libro de Oración Común, Spanish translation, (264,03 BCP Spanish)
(Ages: All)
St. Augustine’s Prayer Book, by David Cobb and Derek Olsen, eds.
Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book features “Holy Habits of Prayer,” devotions at Holy Eucharist, Stations of the Cross, and of the Resurrection. Also a wide range of litanies, collects, and prayers for all occasions. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Hour by Hour: The Daily Office
A compact edition of the Daily Office complete with prayers and psalms for one week. Excerpted from The Book of Common Prayer, Hour by Hour contains Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Daily Prayer for All Seasons, by the Standing Commission on Liturgy & Music (264.15 Dai)
This prayer book presents a variety of images of God and pairs daily prayer with poetry, meditation, and prayers from the broader community of faith. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Oración Diaria para Todos los Tiempos, by Standing Commission on Liturgy & Music (26 4.15 Ora)
(Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Living Well: Praying, by John Roberto, editor
This downloadable chapter focuses on Prayer. Written for adults, parents, and families to use in learning about and living Christian practices. (Ages: All)
Pray-as-you-go (online resource), by Jesuit Media Initiative
Pray as you go is a daily prayer session, designed for use on portable devices, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. Founded in Ignatian Spirituality, and lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
d365 (online resource)
A daily devotional site written especially for students and seeks to provide reflections on themes that impact the faith journey, creating a quiet space for meditation and prayer. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
O Antiphons Reflections, by Episcopal Networks Collaborative (ENEJ, UBE, EEN)
Read and ponder reflections on the O Antiphons – which recall the hope Jesus brings in the midst of struggle, especially for immigrants, low wage workers, targets of hate crimes and those fighting corporate greed. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Disciples Prayer Book, by the Office of Indigenous Ministries (264 Dis)
A beloved guide for growing and nurturing disciples who seek to engage God’s word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Ignatian Prayer Card, by Jim Manney (248.3 Man)
A simple guide to Ignatian Examen, easy to incorporate into your daily life. Written by Jim Manney from his book titled Simple life-changing prayer. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
The Rule of the Society of St. John the Evangelist (255.83 Rul)
Note that chapters 21-25 are especially rich for those exploring the life of prayer. This is available online, and also in print, available from the Resource Center Library. (Ages: Adult)
Forward Day by Day
This site features not only the daily Forward Day by Day meditations, but also the Daily Office and daily prayer supports. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Oraciòn Matutina Diaria y Oraciòn Vespertina Diaria, (1979)
Oraciòn Matutina Diaria y Oraciòn Vespertina Diaria – Libro de Oración Común. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
Daily Prayer, by the Mission of St. Clare
Daily morning, noonday and evening prayer, in audio, text or app. Includes links to other resources, as well as including broadcasts of Compline from St. Mark’s, Seattle and Evensong from the BBC and Grace Cathedral. There is a link to the text of the New Zealand Prayer Book. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)
I will pray daily in support of the prayer that Donna. L. has given, and will add prayers of intercession as the Holy Spirit gives me direction.this is so very crucial to be keeping these dear ones in prayer !