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From Sue Tait, Diocesan Librarian:

The Way of Love: Practices for Jesus-Centered Life      

Bishop Michael Curry invites the whole church to take up The Way of Love, living as part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. Early in his ministry, Jesus of Nazareth was surrounded by crowds. He turned and asked, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). For more than a thousand years, monastics have greeted pilgrims knocking on their doors by asking: “What do you seek?” Many of us seek love, freedom, abundant life, and we seek Jesus. Below are some resources that can be used by individuals, but also are perfect for forming the basis of faith formation studies for groups of young adults and adults.

 As you can see from the logo, there are seven practices, and it is our pleasure to let you know what is available in the Diocesan Resource Center library and online. The “Turn” practice is listed below and please watch for more practices in following months. Most of the titles are links, so click on them for further explanation of the contents.

You can find the entire list of practices and reflection questions below as well as a glossary of helpful terms for the journey.


TURN: Pause, Listen and Choose to Follow Jesus

As Jesus was walking along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. – Mark 2:14

“Do you turn to Jesus Christ …?” – Book of Common Prayer, 302

Like the disciples, we are called by Jesus to follow the Way of Love. With God’s help, we can turn from the powers of sin, hatred, fear, injustice, and oppression toward the way of truth, love, hope, justice, and freedom. In turning, we reorient our lives to Jesus Christ, falling in love again, again, and again.

For Reflection and Discernment

  • What practices help you to turn again and again to Jesus Christ and the Way of Love?
  • How will (or do) you incorporate these practices into your rhythm of life?
  • Who will be your companion as you turn toward Jesus Christ?


TURN:  Resources

Pilgrim: Turning to Christ, by Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Paula Gooder, Robert Atwell, and Sharon Ely Pearson (268.97 Cot Follow Bk 1)

Explores the questions: What do Christians believe? Who was Jesus? Why did people want to spend time with him so long ago and why do we promise to turn to Christ and follow him today? For group or independent study.  (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)



The Joy in Confession: Reclaiming Sacramental Confession, by Hillary Raining (265.8 Rai)

Hillary Raining helps reluctant Christians to understand the practical and joyful experience of confession, repentance, and returning to God.  (Ages: Adult)


The Disciple’s Way, by Gilbert Symons

Drafted by Canon Gilbert P. Symons for the original Forward Movement commission, established at General Convention in 1934, it explores the seven steps of the Disciple’s Way: Turn, Follow, Learn, Pray, Share, Serve, and Worship. These small pamphlets are available in packs of ten from Forward Movement. Contact the Resource Center if you would like one.(Age: Young Adult/Adult)


Living Well: Discernment, edited by John Roberto

This downloadable chapter of “Living Well: Christian Practices for Everyday Life” presents one of the essential practices for a Christian way of life: Discernment. Permission has been given to reproduce this chapter through the link below. (Ages: All)


The Dream of God: A Call to Return, by Verna Dozier (262 Doz)

Again and again the Christian church has fallen away from the dream God has for it, a dream in which we are called to follow Jesus and not merely to worship him. (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)



Following the Way of Jesus, by Michael Curry, Rob Wright, Broderick Greer, Anthony Guillien, Nora Gallagher, Meghan Castellan, & Kellan Day (Small 248.4 Cur)

Michael Curry issues a clarion call for Episcopalians to join the Jesus Movement and explains what it really means. Chapters by Rob Wright on adaptive leadership; Broderick Greer on racial justice; Anthony Guillen on multicultural ministries; Megan Castellan on evangelism; Nora Gallagher on loving the earth; and Kellan Day on ministry with young people. Includes chapter study questions.  (Ages: Young Adult/Adult)


Inside Evangelism Matters Podcast 4 Jordan/Sandra Montes, by Episcopal Cinema

Lorenzo Lebrija discusses the Evangelism Matters conference, and interviews two participants: Jordan, a Catalyst from Indiana, and Dr. Sandra Montes. (a podcast produced by Episcopal Cinema from the workshop earlier this year called Evangelism Matters.  Other workshops are available on the Evangelism Matters YouTube channel. (Ages: Adult)

The Way of Love: TURN

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