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BarnRaisingWhile Barn Raisings were a common occurrence in rural North America in the 18th and 19th centuries, they are not so prevalent now. What’s good for the community is often secondary to what’s good for the individual. However, it’s different in the Body of Christ. The diocesan family came to a Barn Raising held at St. Stephen’s, Oak Harbor, last Saturday, and the community of brothers and sisters in Christ pulled together – not to raise barn walls, but to weed, trim, cut, polish, clean, organize, and, in general spruce up a building that had been slightly neglected for some time.

Folks of all ages, representing five different congregations worked alongside many members of St. Stephen’s in varying efforts to renew the building and grounds. More than 40 attended Saturday’s gathering, and were well-fed as they worked. The St. Stephen’s congregation is deeply grateful for the support given them by their diocesan family.

The idea behind a Barn Raising is that we work in one place, together, to accomplish more than we could in our own places as individuals. Then, when the need is felt in a different location, we gather there. Perhaps, the St. Stephen’s Barn Raising will begin the trend, and other congregations will hold them. What work could we all do together at your building? The benefits of shared work and fellowship are great!

Together we accomplish more than we can on our own: St. Stephen’s Barn Raising

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