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Last fall, our Diocese overwhelmingly passed two resolutions regarding Palestinian rights. One is a resolution for General Convention that condemns Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians and urges our government to take action in opposition. The other is an Education Resolution, directing us in our own Diocese to learn more about the Palestinian situation.

The General Convention Resolution has worked its way through the hearing process and was looking ready to proceed to the Convention floor in July, however new COVID precautions have restricted the resolution process. We are hopeful that some version of it will make it to the Convention floor and we are heartened that in this time of increasing awareness, the Episcopal Church is considering joining other major denominations in making a bold statement about the injustice faced daily by Palestinians.

The Education Resolution calls on us to educate ourselves about the injustices faced by Palestinians. The Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land can provide you with speakers and resources for conversation and study.
For more information please contact:

Education Resolution – Mary Pneuman,
National Resolution – Stacy Andersen,
Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land –
Randy Urmston, Chair –

Two important resolutions from our Convention going to General Convention

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