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Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 United Thank Offering Grants: 10 grants of $2500 for young adults (ages 19-30); and 10 grants of $2500 to seminarians (no age limit).

The focus of the grants is Evangelism and Reconciliation.

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. UTO is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

Application forms and complete grant guidelines are available here.

Young Adult Grant Process

  1. Young Adult grant applications must be written by and the subsequent project (if awarded)
    led by someone aged 19-30.
  2. Young Adults should submit their applications to their diocese by the deadline set by the
  3. The bishop will select one application per diocese. The diocesan office will submit its
    choice by Friday, November 4, 2016, 5:00pm Eastern Time. All applications must be submitted in English.
  4. A bishop’s signature and comments of support are required on the application. Applications
    without a bishop’s signature and comments will not be accepted.
  5. Young Adult Grant applicants will be notified of the status of their application on March 1,
    2017. Grants will be paid to the Diocese at that time, unless the diocese has outstanding
    grant reports.

Seminarian Grant Process

  1. Seminarian grant applications must be written and completed by a currently matriculating
    seminarian enrolled in one of the nine accredited seminaries of The Episcopal Church, and the accredited seminaries as approved by
  2. Seminarians should submit their applications to their dean by the deadline set by the dean
    of the seminary.
  3. The dean will select two applications per seminary. The dean’s office will submit its
    choice by Friday, November 4, 2016, 5:00pm Eastern Time. All applications must be submitted in English.
  4. The dean’s signature and comments are required on the application. Applications without
    a dean’s signature or comments will not be accepted.
  5. Seminarian Grant applicants will be notified of the status of their application on March 1,
    2017. Grants will be paid to the seminary at that time.

For more information contact the Rev. Heather Melton, Missioner for the United Thank Offering.

United Thank Offering – Special Young Adult and Seminarian Grants for 2017

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