On his last official day in the office, we held an impromptu unveiling of Bishop Rickel’s portrait for the Diocesan House Council Room. You can watch the video here and see the portrait in-person at the Office of the Bishop!

One Response

  1. Many thanks to you and your wife for the variety of gifts and loving spirit you shared and have left with us in the Diocese of Olympia. Enjoy your adventures and new bliss of marriage as you discover interests, explore boundaries and reach out to others with affection, direction and help, if needed. My husband, Ray Witter, left my world this past Fall and is exploring trails on his Electric bike and checking out the heavenly slopes to ski as he tries to fly with the angels. We congratulate you on now choosing to work and play and honor God as the ordinary folk we all are loving life, nature and preserving our world for those who follow. Good luck and God bless. Bunny Witter, St. Anne’s, Washougal

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