From Cris Blair, member of Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness:
Dear Diocese of Olympia,
This week is the deadline for the following bills – they will die if not moved out of their House of origin by March 9. The eviction moratorium is quickly approaching – March 31. If a renter has ever been evicted, it is almost impossible to ever rent again. If these bills don’t stay alive, we risk adding to our already massive unhoused population in Washington. Please use links below to have your voice heard today.
Thank you,
Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness
Cris Blair, Member
SHB 1236: Just Cause Eviction Bill
The Just Cause Eviction bill would narrow the acceptable reasons for eviction and strengthening tenants’ legal rights throughout the rental process. Currently, the bill is up for a floor vote. It will need widespread and vocal community support in order to pass into Senate consideration.
2SSB 5160: Tenant Protections Bill
SB 5160 offers increased protections for tenants such as providing legal representation to tenants in eviction court, creating a program for eviction resolution in nonpayment cases, and creating landlord access to state rental assistance programs.