From Don Fornoff, Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness:

It has been a moderate summer, heat-wise, so far. But that doesn’t mean that the heat has not negatively impacted unhoused people. That just means that most folks can deal with the weather as we’ve experienced it. But when the weather changes quickly, we need to react quickly—for ourselves, our neighbors, and the unhoused who are also our neighbors. Individually, be aware of the circumstances around you and be prepared to care for yourself and others.

For our parishes, please assess what your building can handle, whether it is cool enough, and for how many people. That goes for all your neighbors. To serve the unhoused, find out where they are and be prepared to invite them inside. Here are some guidelines:

  1. If your parish has an area in your building that is cool during the day and conducive to a gathering, especially with air conditioning, consider using it as a cooling center. It should be handicap accessible.
  2. The center should always have two people on-site as monitors.
  3. Make clear that anti-social activity, including smoking, alcohol, and drug consumption, will not be tolerated.
  4. Make contact with local jurisdictions to offer and advertise your center.
  5. If your parish can’t do this outreach, ensure your jurisdiction is doing it somewhere.

As our task force and I have said so many times, in so many ways, “We care about serving God’s people!”

Be well, do good works, and love one another as Christ loves us.

Don Fornoff, on behalf of the Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness

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