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From Don Fornoff, Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness:

Last week, I wrote about an ecumenical organization in Fairfax County, Virginia, of which I was personally familiar. I reached out to the founder to find out its origins and confirmed that FACETS’s base is the faith community. The County government knows that and counts on the base’s strength. It turns out that FACETS isn’t the only organization in the county system. Allow me to summarize the organization of the county’s community resources. The east and southeastern part of the county has five of six service providers who are faith-based. Four organizations serve the middle of the county. Three organizations serve mid-north county. All these seven organizations are bolstered by faith-based leadership. FACETS and two other ecumenical programs serve the western part of the county. The County recognizes these programs as partners. The County recognizes that the values shown towards those less advantaged are key to its social services outcomes.

Further, a network called Faith Communities in Action (FCIA) exists. It is a network of faith and community-based organizations and government services which works to meet community needs. It is supported by the Fairfax County Clergy and Leadership Council. The focus is on awareness and understanding of community concerns and needs, which assists the county government.

So why showcase this one network? Because your Bishop’s Homelessness Taskforce believes in the strength, the power, and the stick-to-itiveness of the faith community. With a base of community service organizations (often guided by faith leadership) and government, faith organizations and coalitions bring the entire community into service to the poor and unhoused. As Jesus said, in many ways, it should be.

In so many ways, let’s get organized and get to work. There are too many children on the margins. There are too many families on the margins. It’s time to get practical.

Remember, if we didn’t have God’s love, we wouldn’t have a reason for being. That love needs to be shown to others.

God, guide us to be just, kind, and humble!

Don Fornoff
Member Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness

Updates from the Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness

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