From Don Fornoff, Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness:
I am grateful for a good Thanksgiving week with family and friends. Now, we should give ourselves time for renewal in the Advent celebration. We would be remiss, however, to not give attention to our brothers and sisters who are homeless or near to being unhoused. I doubt that in the Diocese of Olympia, no parishes are lacking in this season of giving. Food drives, feeding programs, clothing drives, toy collections…the list could go on and on. Keep it up, Dear Ones- do God’s work.
But hard times continue for the unhoused and become harder for them for several reasons. Winter brings harsh weather, necessitating follow-up to ensure adequate shelter space and warming places. Hypothermia is deadly. For us, take outreach interest in ensuring adequate coverage of these lifesaving places.
In Washington State, it was announced that a budget shortfall will probably result in less being sent to communities to deal with homelessness – fewer affordable housing builds, fewer services, and less for rental support. It means keeping an eye (two eyes preferably) on what is happening in areas our parishes serve. That means being vocal where appropriate. It means staying current with what is happening in Olympia and with what will happen in the 2025 legislative session. Rent stabilization will be coming back to town, as well as attention paid to planning for affordable housing. It is also likely that because Washington State values what recently arrived immigrants bring to this country positively, a lot of time and energy will be spent serving those folks. Those actions need not be taken away from homelessness efforts, but they are real possibilities. Hang on to your hats, folks!
Not least of all, the incoming national administration promises to hinder service to the poor in deliberate ways we cannot comprehend at this time. Proper planning and advocacy in our local communities will be needed if we are to reach our goal of 0 (zero) homelessness.
May we be the hands that enfold others in love, as God holds us in His almighty hands of love.
Be well, do good works, love one another,
Don Fornoff, Taskforce member