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Adult Forum: Discussing Election Anxiety

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

An all-church adult forum to share and discuss our individual and shared anxieties about the upcoming election in November.

Christmas Day

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Christmas Day Service

Christmas Eve

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Christmas Eve service

Blue Christmas

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Service of meditation and reflection on readings of hope for those who have experienced loss in their lives.

Advent Taizé

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Service of music, prayer, & mediation on themes of Advent.