Updated Friday, July 2, 2021
(Bishop Rickel’s Letter Announcing the Lifting of COVID Restrictions in the Diocese of Olympia; New Reopening Page from the Office of the Governor)

To the Good People of God in the Diocese of Olympia,

We live in interesting times. That might be one of the greatest understatements I have heard lately, but no doubt it is true. These have been especially interesting days for the church. We have learned a lot. We still have lots to learn. We have gained perspective on things we often took for granted, and we have learned of things that are not that important after all. In the face of all of this, we still have each other, and most importantly, an amazing God who loves us all and wishes only the best for us. I put my hope in those two things right now – each of you and our God.

This document has been worked on by our diocesan staff, with review by others in the diocese with expertise in these areas. It is loosely but carefully mirrored off of the four-phase plan offered by our governor this past week. It is offered to all of you as a roadmap to what our future might look like in the days ahead as we phase-in our return to face-to-face encounters. I think it is very safe to say, this will not be fast. As our governor has said so well, this will not be like turning on a light switch, but more like slowly turning the dial – and the turning will be going on for a while. It also might be two turns forward and then one back. This is new for all of us. I am blessed to be walking through it with all of you.

This will probably be stated several times in this document, but to assure you – we are trying carefully to use words in it that help you determine if these are mandates, suggestions, encouragements, or requirements. We all hope to be conscious of the importance of those words, but if, in the course of reading you find anything that does not seem clear, please do not hesitate to ask.

This document has four main sections:

I have every belief that this document will evolve. In other words, what we see in it today, may or may not be what we are following tomorrow. There may be adjustments, and we will attempt to communicate that to you in every way we can along the way.

Until then, stay together in Spirit. Know that we are united in Christ, even when apart.

Bless you all,

The Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel
VIII Bishop of Olympia and Chief Steward

2 Responses

  1. Hello!

    My name is Nick. Our Taskforce team at the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle loves this communication and especially the very user-friendly phase-in chart. I just wanted you to know that we’d like to create a similar chart, and will reference where we adapted it from, if and when it is published. Thanks for your creativity and good work serving your people and God. Blessings of health and safety in all you do. Your brother in Christ, Nick

  2. Brother in Christ Nick,

    We are glad that these materials are of assistance. We are in this everyday battle together after all of these months. Bless you, all, and together, we will overcome. Pax Vobiscum, Ron

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