Dear Good People of the Diocese of Olympia,

I am so pleased to let you know, what many of you already know, our very own the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton was elected Vice President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church in Baltimore at our 80th General Convention. This is a great tribute to Rachel and her long and tireless work for the good of this Church and it is a good development for our collective life in the Episcopal Church. I hope you will share, with me, in thanks for Rachel, her leadership, and her willingness to put herself forward for this important position and work of the Church.

I also, along with this, want to report just how proud I hope you will be, as I am, in Olympia’s entire deputation, pictured here with Rachel on her acceptance. They, under the leadership of Maria Gonzales, have represented you so amazingly well.

Blessings to all of you, and congratulations Rachel!


Here is the article from Episcopal News Service.

3 Responses

  1. I have followed her comments/postings on the HOBD list for many years – so very happy with this election!

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