From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner for Anti-Poverty Organizing: Yesterday the City of Aberdeen voted to shut down Grays Harbor County’s only sanctioned homeless encampment. This is the camp the city set up in response to two federal lawsuits last year, wherein Rev. Sarah Monroe stood as co-plaintiff with homeless residents of Aberdeen. Below is Chaplains on the Harbor’s public comment on the closure: “With regard to the Council’s proposed closure of the TASL (Temporary Alternative Shelter Location) by May 15th,
COVID-19 Response from Chaplains on the Harbor
The following message comes from Chaplains on the Harbor: Dear friends, Chaplains on the Harbor will remain in operation through the COVID-19 outbreak, with the following changes: We have suspended worship services in Westport for the next two weeks. We will serve our Sunday dinners in Aberdeen as to-go meals only, to avoid gathering large groups of people. We are suspending visits to hospitals and jails unless in case of dire emergency to avoid spread of the disease. We will
Chaplains on the Harbor: An Appeal from the Rev. Sarah Monroe
From the Rev. Sarah Monroe: Dear Supporters of Chaplains on the Harbor, We are writing for your help. We need monthly supporters to stay open and continue our work. I started this ministry with a backpack of sandwiches and a $500 grant six and a half years ago. Five years ago, we opened a community center and then shelter in Westport. Four years ago, we started an apprenticeship program for people coming off the street and out of jail. Two
Chaplains on the Harbor: Farm Boost and Other News!
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner for Anti-Poverty Organizing: Chaplains on the Harbor is seeking to prepare and expand our existing farming operation, Harbor Roots Farm, for the spring. Our crew of farm “apprentices” have leveled up and now work as regular staff year-round. Within the next five years, we plan to bring on 30 more paid apprentices from off the streets and out of jail. This means we need to grow and make room for them! We know that the
Bishop William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis Return to the Diocese of Olympia
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner for Anti-Poverty Organizing: On March 20-21, the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis and Bishop William J. Barber – co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – will return to the Diocese of Olympia. This visit is part of the campaign’s current 20+ state tour: “We Must Do M.O.R.E. National Tour: Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering, Educating people for a movement that votes!” Confronting the five interlocking evils of poverty, systemic racism, the war
Chaplains on the Harbor: Year End Appeal – Week 6
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner of Anti-Poverty Organizing and Chaplain and Organizer with Chaplains on the Harbor: Dear family in Christ and in the struggle for survival and dignity for all people, We’re adding an extra week to our year end appeal, and we still need to raise $25,000 to finish the year! As individuals and as a team, we have come a long way in six years – from homelessness, from active addiction, from incarceration, from family separation, from
Chaplains on the Harbor: Year End Appeal, Week 5
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner of Anti-Poverty Organizing and Chaplain and Organizer with Chaplains on the Harbor: Dear family in Christ and in the struggle for survival and dignity for all people, Chaplains on the Harbor still needs to raise $30,000 to close out the year! This is the final week of Chaplains on the Harbor sharing testimonies from our incredible staff, as part of our year-end appeal. As individuals and as a team, we have come a long way
Chaplains on the Harbor: Year End Appeal, Week 4
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner of Anti-Poverty Organizing and Chaplain and Organizer with Chaplains on the Harbor: Dear family in Christ and in the struggle for survival and dignity for all people, Chaplains on the Harbor still needs to raise $30,000 to close out the year! This is week four of Chaplains on the Harbor sharing testimonies from our incredible staff, as part of our year end appeal. As individuals and as a team, we have come a long way
Chaplains on the Harbor: Year End Appeal, Week 3
Dear family in Christ and in the struggle for survival and dignity for all people, This is week three of Chaplains on the Harbor sharing testimonies from our incredible staff, as part of our year-end appeal. As individuals and as a team, we have come a long way in six years – from homelessness, from active addiction, from incarceration, from family separation, from a budget of $500 and backpack full of sandwiches – to a thriving staff of 11 leaders
Chaplains on the Harbor: Year End Appeal, Week 2
From Aaron Scott, Diocesan Missioner of Anti-Poverty Organizing and Chaplain and Organizer with Chaplains on the Harbor: Dear family in Christ and in the struggle for survival and dignity for all people, Here’s week two of Chaplains on the Harbor sharing testimonies from our incredible staff, as part of our year-end appeal. As individuals and as a team, we have come a long way in six years – from homelessness, from active addiction, from incarceration, from family separation, from a