What is Ordinary Time?

According to Ecclesiastes 3:1 and the song by The Byrds, “To everything there is a season.” In much of the Church, we observe the seasons of the two great cycles…
The Holy Spirit Comes Down

The Day of Pentecost “Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.” -Acts 2:3 (NRSV) Among the stories people tell about the…
Lent 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. It is indeed hard to believe that this will be our third Lent in which one of our main overarching…
Epiphany = Insight + Transformation

The following reflection comes from Peach McDouall: My first Episcopalian Epiphanytide was in Durango, Colorado. I had only recently started identifying as a Christian, and I wrote down the words…
Episcopal Educators and Advocates for the Deaf

Today we remember the lives of two remarkable men in the history of the Episcopal Church – the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet and the Rev. Henry Winter Syle. Gallaudet established the…
The Feast of Florence Nightingale, Nurse and Social Reformer

Today we celebrate the Feast of Florence Nightingale, the nurse and social reformer who helped revolutionize patient care and is widely recognized as the founder of modern nursing. Though her…