In Gratitude for the Ministry of The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton as Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Olympia Please Join Us September 1st | 4:30 pm – 6:30pm St. Mark’s Cathedral | 1245 Tenth Avenue East, Seattle WA Choral Evensong with Gift Presentation Reception to Follow Officiant: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason, Cathedral Dean Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Phil LaBelle, Bishop-Elect
Update from the Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land: Church Alarmed at Israel’s Refusal to Release Young Anglican Woman Detained without Charge
Church Alarmed at Israel’s Refusal to Release Young Anglican Woman Detained without Charge Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Urges Awareness of Threats to Christian Minority in Israel/Palestine Image Credit: Layan Nasir | Post on X From the Bishop’s Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land: Last month, the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church passed Resolution D075 calling for the Immediate Release of Ms. Layan Nasir, 24, from Administrative Detention in Israel.
Seattle Pride: Parade & PrideFest 2024
A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated in the Seattle Pride parade and/or the PrideFest booth on Sunday, June 30! It was an outstanding intergenerational effort to spread the word about the Episcopal Church in Western Washington’s broad welcome! We had over 19 churches represented in our registration! Special thanks to Trinity, Seattle for hosting our pre-parade gathering and many thanks to St. Paul’s, Seattle for coordinating and staffing the Pride-Fest booth at Seattle Center during/post-parade. It was a joy
Bishop Prior Stepping Down as Assisting Bishop
As of June 30,th Bishop Brian Prior has stepped down as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Olympia. +Brian began this work during Bishop Greg Rickel’s time and has focused his time as Assisting Bishop in working with the Annie Wright School, coaching clergy, and going on bishop visitations in the Diocese. Currently +Brian continues to serve as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Alabama and to own and operate Prioritize Coaching, LLC. His passions are many, including leadership development of every
The Diocese of Olympia at General Convention
The deputation from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia is busy at General Convention! Members of the deputation have sent a few photos from their time in Louisville, which you can see here. The deputation was also given a set of placards by Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville, with each placard bearing witness to the name of a city in our Diocese where a mass shooting has taken place.
Episcopal Preaching Foundation’s 2024 Preaching Excellence Program Graduates
Five seminarians from the Diocese of Olympia have just graduated from Episcopal Preaching Foundation’s 2024 Preaching Excellence Program: Nathan Clark, IONA Olympia School, IONA Collaborative of Seminary of the SW Adam Conley, Sewanee Tina Mutungu, Seminary of the SW Laura Meyers, IONA Olympia School, IONA Collaborative of Seminary of the SW Kelly Moody, Sewanee Since 1988, the Episcopal Preaching Foundation has worked with deans and homiletics professors from around the Church to identify and nominate for invitation seminarians and those
Juneteenth Liturgy and Potluck
On June 22, the Black/African American Circle hosted a Juneteenth liturgy and potluck BBQ. The worship service featured poetry, as well as African American spirituals under the direction of Vanessa Bruce and Ryan Ellis, dancing from VCBynum Arts, and drumming from Gansango African Music and Dance. Mixed media art was on display from local Black artists as well. The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson preached, and The Rev. Beverly Tasy presided and served as our liturgist and artistic director. You can
Updates from the Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness
A couple of weeks ago, I received a phone call from a former member of the Task Force on Homelessness. It was no ordinary phone call from no ordinary man of faith. John Hoyt is a parishioner of St. Paul’s Bellingham, part of their weekly outreach program to the unhoused, and the leader of the pouch ministry. John is the kind of person I call a go-getter. John has been calling churches throughout the Diocese of Olympia to spread the
Ordinations to the Priesthood
On Saturday, June 15, The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Bishop Provisional in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, ordained six new priests in Seattle: Phillip Lienau, Theresa Newell, Lisa Ozaeta, Martin Pommerenke, Myra Ryneheart Corcorran, and Robert Stevens. It was a time of joy and celebration for the entire community. You can see photos of the service and celebration below. Previous Next
About the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Information provided by freelance reporter Melodie Woerman and Cynde Bimbi, director of communications and public relations for the Episcopal Church in Delaware. General Convention and its role in the life of The Episcopal Church The Episcopal Church’s General Convention will meet for the 81st time June 23- 28 in Louisville, Kentucky, at the Kentucky International Convention Center. If you’re asking, “So, what is this exactly, and what does it have to do with me?” you’re not alone. General Convention can