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Merry Christmas, Diocese of Olympia, and all who may be watching. This annual celebration of the birth of Jesus is also an invitation, an invitation for us to open our hearts and allow Jesus to be born there as well. At the culmination of Advent, that period of waiting, watching, reflection, and anticipation, comes the Savior of the world and the Savior of our souls. As we gather together with those we love, families born and those chosen, we give



Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. Advent and a new church year is upon us. It’s always hard to believe for me that it rolls around so quickly. Over our years together, I’ve told you how much I love Advent, because a year starts, but also I’m kind of disappointed when it comes that we don’t often celebrate it in a way I believe it was designed. I don’t believe it’s a mini-Lent. It’s not designed

Easter 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Easter 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Alleluia, Christ has risen. The Lord has risen indeed, alleluia. Happy Easter to each and every one of you. Perhaps the highest feast of the Christian life has arrived, Easter, resurrection, new life born out of the old. That’s the hope of Easter, the yearning of Easter, even if, and I would say most especially if, the world itself doesn’t seem to portray it, does not seem to go along, as it were. This is the point really, even out

Lent 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Lent 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. It is indeed hard to believe that this will be our third Lent in which one of our main overarching themes and topics of daily life is this ongoing pandemic. These last three years have been a rollercoaster, to say the least, up and down, feeling that this long disruption will soon end, only to have it not end, but even worsen. All the while we learn, we grow, we

Christmas 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Christmas 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching, and most especially on this day, Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you all are with those you love and who love you, but if you can’t be with them, I hope you will make connections with them today in some way. I know this can be for many, a season of wild extremes. For some, the most joyous and happy time of the year, and for some,

Advent 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Advent 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. And as I’ve said just about every year, let me also say “Happy New Year.” For our planet, we won’t be saying that for another month or so, but as Christians, we say it now. Our new year starts with the first Sunday of Advent, which this year is Sunday, November 28th. So Happy New Year, church. Advent may be my favorite season, just four Sundays. It’s also the season



Bishop Rickel’s Christmas Message Merry Christmas, Diocese of Olympia and everyone watching! For those of you who love Christmas, I have good news for you, it’s a season, not a day. It runs from this day to January 5, and then to the Feast of the Epiphany, the arrival of the Magi, the 6th of January, so enjoy it, keep celebrating. Christ arrives, that’s what Christmas is all about. Christ coming into our lives, coming into our world, incarnating love