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It is a time of transition within our diocese, and we have a new clergy transition to announce.

The Rev. Beverly A. Moore-Tasy has accepted a call as Rector of St. Margaret’s, Bellevue.

The Rev. Beverly A. Moore-Tasy was born and raised in Utica, NY. She was educated in the Utica Public Schools and received her BA in Math from Keuka College in Keuka Park, NY. For 5 years she taught Math in junior and senior high school (with dance and gymnastics as extracurricular activities) for the Baltimore City Public Schools. She earned her Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA and was ordained to the diaconate. Rev. Tasy was named assistant director of Cornell United Religious Work, the chaplain organization at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. While there she was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop O’Kelley Whitaker of the Diocese of Central NY. Since then, she has served parishes in Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, and New Mexico and was director of campus ministry for the Diocese of Western NY and chaplain at SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Fredonia, and Niagara University. She is married and has one son.

Please join us in welcoming the Rev. Beverly A. Moore-Tasy into her new calling with St. Margaret’s, Bellevue, and please keep all congregations experiencing clergy leadership transition in your prayers.

Clergy Transitions in the Diocese of Olympia

2 thoughts on “Clergy Transitions in the Diocese of Olympia

  • July 17, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    May God continue to use your experience, ability and talent to further His kingdom.
    Be rest assured of my daily prayers for you and your family and congregation of St Margaret, Bellevue.


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