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Even though this summer’s Youth Creation Care Pilgrimage was cancelled due to the pandemic, the Youth Pilgrimage planning team still wants to encourage everyone to embark on their own personal pilgrimage – no matter their age!

Take your very own “DIY Pilgrimage” this year by visiting our pilgrimage website! You’ll find suggestions for local treks to do alone or in small groups, and we’ve included thought-provoking discussion questions and ideas for music, poetry, prayers, and readings to help make it more meaningful. Do you have suggestions of your own? We’d love to hear from you.

This week we’re highlighting Dr. Judith Mayotte, an Emmy-award winning producer, college professor, member of Epiphany, Seattle, and Youth Pilgrimage planning team member. Judy shares her thoughts about making a pilgrimage – even if that means staying close to home.


Create Your Own Pilgrimage!

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