Bishop LaBelle’s Visitation to St. David Emmanuel, Shoreline
St. David Emmanuel, Shoreline 18842 Meridian Ave N, ShorelineBishop LaBelle's visitation to St. David Emmanuel, Shoreline.
Bishop LaBelle's visitation to St. David Emmanuel, Shoreline.
8 am Rite 1 Holy Eucharist services for Lent
Help our community to find courage and resilience for the deeply challenging times that are upon us.
Join us!
Please join us for a Rite II Holy Eucharist services through Lent at 10 am
We welcome all to our Holy Eucharist Service for First Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass for the First Sunday in Lent
Lenten Quiet Day Retreat
St Christopher's Church, Olympia invites you to a quiet afternoon of peace, reflection and spiritual renewal during their Lenten mini-retreat.