Event Series Palm Sunday at St. Barnabas

Palm Sunday at St. Barnabas

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Join us for Jesus's Triumphal Entry with palms, a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel, and celebration of Holy Eucharist initiate our “contemplation of those mighty acts” by which Christ has redeemed the world, preparing us for the great three-day journey of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil.

Palm Sunday Service

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Palm Sunday Spoken Holy Eucharist in West Seattle

Palm Sunday

Christ Church, Blaine 382 Boblett St., Blaine

We look forward to welcome you and to worship with us.

Palm Sunday

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue

Join us!

Palm Sunday

St. Hilda St. Patrick, Edmonds 15224 52nd Avenue W., Edmonds

Palm Sunday service (in-person and live streamed)

Palm Sunday Mass

St. John's, Kirkland 105 State St S, Kirkland

Sunday Eucharist Celebrating the Start of Holy Week

Palm Sunday Service

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist with Music

Saint Mark’s Concert Series: Seven Last Words of Christ

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle

Skyros Quartet will perform Joseph Haydn’s own arrangement for string quartet of his Seven Last Words of Christ — a meditation on Jesus’ utterances from the cross, excerpted from each of the four gospels — in observance of the coming Holy Week on Palm Sunday, April 13 at 4:30 pm.

$20 – $25

Palm Sunday – ‘Return To Me’

St. John's, Kirkland 105 State St S, Kirkland

A major choral journey through the traditional Stations of the Cross

Tenebrae at St. Barnabas

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Join the St. Barnabas Parish and Schola Nova Choirs for the ancient monastic liturgy of Tenebrae (“Shadows”), a sequence of chanted psalms, readings, and prayers contemplating Christ’s Passion.